10 July 2011


PELUANG BISNIS ONLINE TANPA RIBET. adalah sebuah cara atau konsep yang sangat membantu di bidang bisnis online dari bapak Joko Susilo telah tersebar luas saat ini di internet. Anda sebagai calon pembisnis online tidak perlu susah payah lagi dalam masalah jual maupun beli  secara online khusus nya, sebab semua rahasia akan di ungkap secara detail dan terperinci di dalam sebuah ebook dahsyat karya Joko Susilo berjudul Jadi Expert Tanpa Ribet”


25 April 2011

HTML Encoder and Decoder

I have defaulted the entry box with some example content and then encoded it and then decoded the result to prove the decoding works. Notice I have used standard characters < > & " as well as UTF-8 text (I have no idea what the Arabic says) and some already encoded entities to prove that anything already encoded will not get double encoded. Obviously if you don't mind about double encoding then call Encoder.htmlEncode(value,true) with a second parameter set to true or if you are using my form for your own encoding make sure the checkbox is ticked.
READ MORE - HTML Encoder and Decoder

04 October 2010

Nokia N73

nokia n73 is a very sophisticated mobile phone, it features the complete camera, music player, fm radio, web, and many more. enabled mobile phone can also transfer data via infrared and Bluetooth. advantage of this mobile phone in his body a sporty and dynamic. clear bright screen with the ability of the LCD (TFT). java, symbian programs and many other advanced features. sperti Flas, LED light cameras, auto focus, the sharpness of the camera also can be set by the user. nokia N series can you have with an affordable price. you want?

READ MORE - Nokia N73

03 October 2010

floods hit several major cities in Indonesia

this month Indonesia every afternoon and evening rain definitely in, but this month no rainy season. its farmers due to crop failure and the worst big cities in Indonesia flooded. passage of this disaster without combating the fast by the government resulted in bayaknya local communities affected by the disease, a type gatal0gatal and other skin diseases. hopefully this unfortunate fleeting.

READ MORE - floods hit several major cities in Indonesia